注意:AC.UI是测试版主题,建议您在安装主题前备份网站。AC.UI 大量编辑了一些附加组件(包括 Feeds 和 XFMG),因此版本之间可能存在兼容性问题。
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AC.UI is built with our tried-and-true UI.X framework for XenForo 2. We have deliberated and meticulously fine-tuned AC.UI until it is truly the most modern and ideal interface for communities and no detail is missed. Every front size was optimized for legibility, every padding was considered, navigation for mobile devices was completely re-worked, and more were altered from base XenForo for the best user experience and discoverability.
To learn more about AC.UI, we shared why we approached it the way we did and more in-depth explanations of its features here.
AC.UI 是使用我们久经考验的 XenForo 2 的 UI.X 框架构建的。我们经过深思熟虑和精心调整 AC.UI,直到它真正成为最现代和最理想的社区界面,并且没有遗漏任何细节。每个正面尺寸都针对易读性进行了优化,考虑了每个填充,移动设备的导航完全重新设计,并且从基本 XenForo 进行了更多更改,以获得最佳的用户体验和可发现性。
要了解有关 AC.UI 的更多信息,我们分享了我们采用这种方式处理它的原因,并在此处对其功能进行了更深入的解释。
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AC.UI is built with our tried-and-true UI.X framework for XenForo 2. We have deliberated and meticulously fine-tuned AC.UI until it is truly the most modern and ideal interface for communities and no detail is missed. Every front size was optimized for legibility, every padding was considered, navigation for mobile devices was completely re-worked, and more were altered from base XenForo for the best user experience and discoverability.
To learn more about AC.UI, we shared why we approached it the way we did and more in-depth explanations of its features here.
AC.UI 是使用我们久经考验的 XenForo 2 的 UI.X 框架构建的。我们经过深思熟虑和精心调整 AC.UI,直到它真正成为最现代和最理想的社区界面,并且没有遗漏任何细节。每个正面尺寸都针对易读性进行了优化,考虑了每个填充,移动设备的导航完全重新设计,并且从基本 XenForo 进行了更多更改,以获得最佳的用户体验和可发现性。
要了解有关 AC.UI 的更多信息,我们分享了我们采用这种方式处理它的原因,并在此处对其功能进行了更深入的解释。