Makes the new thread title the name of the game.
Automatically populates a header for the thread with the game box cover and information.
Automatically displays the game box cover and information in forum thread list.
Checks for duplicate games and changes a new thread to a post in existing thread if found
Ability to search Genre, Platform and Title in forum thread list.
Information shown in forum thread list is admin selectable.
Choose multiple forums as game forums.
Limit forums to specific game genres.
Limit forums to specific game platforms.

Makes the new thread title the name of the game.
Automatically populates a header for the thread with the game box cover and information.
Automatically displays the game box cover and information in forum thread list.
Checks for duplicate games and changes a new thread to a post in existing thread if found
Ability to search Genre, Platform and Title in forum thread list.
Information shown in forum thread list is admin selectable.
Choose multiple forums as game forums.
Limit forums to specific game genres.
Limit forums to specific game platforms.